Thursday, August 8, 2013

R package writing tips

S4 union classes
To create a class that accepts different class objects:

setClassUnion("AorB", c("classA", "classB")) 

Saving data files in R packages
They need to be compressed to avoid warnings when running R CMD check


Make R package zip (for Windows) on Linux 
make destination folder eg. testand write to test

mkdir test 
R CMD INSTALL -l test pkgname 
cd test 
zip -r pkgname pkgname

R package documentation writing
If you are generating Sweave files from Lyx (Rnw), add


to the top of your Rnw file

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

SAM file directionality

Understanding direction flags and how to extract them
 Paired-end specific discussion:
Useful samflag utility

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Trick : seqMINER

seqMINER is a Chip-seq density clustering and plotting software. A trick to keep clustering from previous computations and plot the same ordering on a new set of bam/bed files: Load your bam file, right click and choose view heatmap (bypassing the "cluster" button). Voila!