Friday, October 24, 2014

Migrating from Unfuddle (Subversion) to BitBucket (Git)

Tried to use the script provided by Atlassian but it failed as the default Unfuddle setup does not have the trunk/branch/tag structure.

Used svn2git instead with the following steps:

1. Create an authors.txt to map svn to git usernames (check for instructions)

2. Run svn2git
svn2git -v --username dlow --trunk / --nobranches --notags --authors authors.txt

3. Create repo on Bitbucket

4. Sync your repo
git remote add origin
git push -u origin --all

This should preserve all your previous commits from svn over to BitBucket (or Git in general).

If you use Eclipse as your IDE, the following video is useful for setting up EGit and going through some basics of Git.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Choosing colors

While not specifically for R, ColorBrewer gives you an excellent reference for color range for different number of bins as well. Fantastic for heatmaps.